
How to Run Windows Apps on Linux Mint

Guide to running Windows Software on Linux

Every bit you're here, I'm going to assume that you're a Linux user. And every on occasion, you detect yourself asking: can I run windows applications connected Linux?.

Answer to it question is yes. Yes, you can run Windows applications in Linux. Hither are some of the ways for linear Windows programs with Linux:

  • Installing Windows on a separate HDD divider
  • Installing Windows A a virtual machine on Linux

Some of them deeds just fine. But they are somewhat resourcefulness hungry.

If you only need to apply a small Windows application, installing Windows on a separate HDD partition or as a Realistic Machine is not efficient. Furthermore, Realistic Machine can't utilize the total power of your machine. So, what is the root?

No worries, in that respect is other way to use Windows software connected Linux. It's called Wine. If you aren't yet acquainted it surgery you are a founding father in the reality of Linux, this clause is for you.

In this beginner's pass, I'll show you what is Vino you bet to use it to incline Windows software on Linux. I have used Ubuntu Hera as Ubuntu is one of the best Linux distros for beginners, but any other Linux distribution bequeath hold more or less same steps (except for the commands in Arch or Fedora founded distros).

Victimization Wine to run Windows programs in Linux

Wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator. And Vino is in reality an acronym for that. And A previously stated, it's not even a virtual machine.

Sooner IT is a compatibility layer for jetting Windows applications on UNIX-like or POSIX-compliant operating systems (e.g. Linux, Mack, BSD). Patc a virtual political machine operating theater emulator simulates internal Windows logical system, Vino translates those Windows logic to indigene UNIX/POSIX-ailment system of logic.

In simple and not-technical words, Wine converts national Windows commands to commands your Linux system can natively translate.

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Installing Wine

There are various ways to install Wine on your system. Arsenic this is a beginners' guide, I'll describe the most straightforward matchless here.

Almost all the Linux distros do with Wine in their package repository. Most of the sentence the latest stable version of Wine is acquirable via software system repository. Installing Vino on Ubuntu is equally easy as firing off up a terminal and running play these commands:

            sudo apt update sudo pertinent install vino          

However, if you are using an 64bit installation of Ubuntu, you will need to run these additive commands:

            sudo dpkg --bestow-computer architecture i386          

This will tote up 32bit computer architecture support on your distro which will benefit you in installing specific computer software. If you don't know whether you have a 32bit installation or 64bit, check this article: 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu?

What Windows applications are Supported by Wine?

In that respect is a large number of Windows applications that are currently fully supported by Wine. They will run without any trouble.

However, new Windows applications are being developed every twenty-four hour period. Many of them wouldn't function as we want along Wine. But the developing pace of Wine is also rapid, support for young applications is being added all the time.

And there is a dedicated database for keeping cartroad of evenhanded that.

Vino Application Database has almost 24,000 applications rated with different status depending upon how well that applications run in Wine. If you want to quick check the rating of the lotion you want to use in Wine, you can get a load there. Hera are the meaning of those ratings:

  • Platinum: These applications install and turn tail flawlessly in prohibited-of-the-box Wine.
  • Gold: These applications work flawlessly with some specific configuration.
  • Achromatic: Applications with minor issues are labeled as Silver.
  • Metallic: The Bronze ones take over major issues that seriously sham usage.
  • Garbage: These simply won't run on Wine.

Reviews, Installation Routine, which Wine version it was tested against and several useful data are also available for each application here.

Of course, Wine Application Database is largely user-generated data, so you are always welcome to try running an application with a different version of Wine and share your answer with respite of the community.

Finding an Covering in Vino Application Database

Permit's see how we can detect an application in Wine Application Database.

Go to Wine Application Database. Click Shop Apps from the left sidebar.

Finding an App in Wine AppDB
Finding an App in Wine AppDB

Write the name of the coating you deprivation to find in the Name arena.

Wine AppDB name filter
Wine AppDB nominate filter

Click happening the link to the application from the search result.

You'll see a description of the application. There leave exist a list of various versions with their compatibility rating with a specific Vino version.

Wine AppDB Application page
Wine AppDB Application program page

Let's suction stop connected the latest rendering link.

This is the main page you need to check. There will embody detailed information about that specific version.

Detailed Information about Application
Detailed Information more or less Application

You'll get an approximation of what will piece of work and what will not. Also, the installation process will cost included Hera if any extra tasks are needed for installation.

Getting Started with Wine

Before we go on installing and running play applications in Wine, we should have clear idea about few things and about how to configure Wine for usage:


Windows applications take a C: labor. Wine uses a practical C: drive for this purpose. The directory of this virtual C: drive is called wineprefix. First of all, we need to create a wineprefix. For doing that, fire up a terminal and enter this mastery:


This bequeath make over a wineprefix and open the configuration window for Wine. You can change the configuration options if you want or let IT be as is for time being and close it. Now, you pot turn up the virtual C: repulse at

WinePrefix C: Drive
WinePrefix C: Drive

The general rule is to install from each one new covering into a fresh wineprefix. We crapper make up and maintain triune wineprefix manually. Only that task would appear rather long-winded for the beginners. Thus, we bequeath skip that part for now. But, future I'm going to show the way for doing that dispense with ease.

Installment an Covering with Wine

Installation a supported application in Wine is broadly speaking as easy as double-clicking happening the installation file. However, we are now going to see a step-away-step guide for installation 7-zip happening Wine-colored.

First of all, check for 7-zip rating on Wine Application Database. It has Platinum military rating, so we are good to go. Open Vino constellation ( winecfg ) and set the Windows Version to Windows 7.

Wine Windows 7
Wine Windows 7

Right-click on the 7-zip installation filing cabinet and select Open With Wine Windows Program Dock-walloper.

7-zip Installation File
7-zip Installation File cabinet

Undergo that destination booklet path? 7-zip installment has recognized the virtual C: drive from wineprefix.

7zip Setup Directory on Wine
7-zip fastener Setup Directory happening Wine

Finish the installation and go to the installation directory [ $Domicile/.wine/drive_c/Curriculum Files/7-zip/ ] from the file web browser.

Rightfield-chink along 7zFM.exe and extend to to Properties > Open With.

Set Default .exe Loader
Determine Default .exe Dock worker

Prize Wine Windows Program Dockhand and close the window. Double-click on 7zFM.exe.

7-zip running with Wine
7-zip running with Vino

And there you go! For creating a crosscut connected your background, right click on the file.

Creating 7-zip shortcut
Creating 7-zip shortcut

Now move the Link to Desktop.

Move shortcut to Desktop
Move shortcut to Desktop

Nowadays, you give notice run off 7-ZIP code just from your desktop. Wholly you have to do is double-clink on the icon.

Run 7zip from desktop
Escape 7-zip from desktop

If you want to access your files on Linux, they are generally located in Z: Drive .

Linux directory in Z: drive
Linux directory in Z: parkway

You can use the 7-zip even as you would use it along Windows – for extracting and creating archives and such.

Let's make things (a lot) Easier

You might take over detected that, at Wine Applications programme Database, with every version of application review a specific Wine version is mentioned.

It is because of the rapid development rate of Wine. Though an application runs with the current version of Wine, information technology mightiness not execute with a future version, because of the changes made.

Also, I've mentioned about installing each application in its own fresh wineprefix. So that, an application has no chance of officious with another. And doing all these manually, commonly from the depot, is time-consuming, tiresome and at times, unclear.

PlayOnLinux is here to rescue. It provides a nice interface for doing all these things easily. For installing PlayOnLinux happening Ubuntu, simply run this command:

            sudo apt install playonlinux          
PlayOnLinux interface
PlayOnLinux interface

You can easily do all task related to Vino with PlayOnLinux from a beautiful and intuitive graphical interface:

  • Installing & Uninstalling applications.
  • Creating, Updating & Removing wineprefixes.
  • Maintain Wine of different architecture and versions.
  • Run & Create shortcut for installed applications.
  • Etcetera…

But still, you bequeath need to check Wine Application Database for reviews, installation procedures and much.

Advantages of exploitation Wine

When IT comes to running Windows applications on Linux scheme, Wine provides many advantages over victimisation emulators or practical machines.

  • Operation: Wine is exempt to the carrying out loss that otherwise occurs while emulating.
  • Native Receive: There is no need to open Wine before running a Windows application. Exactly how Wine works will be more clear from this citation from formalised site,

    Wine can be thought of equally a Windows emulator in more the same way that Windows Vista can cost thought of as a Windows XP copycat: some allow you to run the same applications aside translating system calls in much the same way. Setting Wine to mimic Windows XP is not much different from mount Vista to plunge an application in XP compatibility mode.

Wine Derivatives

There are quite a number of projects for running Windows applications on other platforms, settled on Wine-colored:

  • CrossOver: Crossing over is a developed by the company named CodeWeavers. It is directly based on Wine with a few tweaks and proprietary add-ons. In fact, CodeWeavers employs a large portion of Wine-colored developers. Unlike the speedy releases of Wine, Crossing over releases are more unchangeable. The one and John Major downside is that Crossover is not free.
  • PlayOnLinux: PlayOnLinux is completely supported Wine. And provides easier route for installing and managing application with Wine. PlayOnLinux is free.
    It is as wel available for Mac American Samoa PlayOnMac.
  • ReactOS: ReactOS is an entirely disparate open-source operating system for running Windows applications. IT reuses a considerable amount of codes from Wine. However, this is a project under maturation for much a decade and I won't advocate it.

Additional Tips on using Wine


This is another primal part of victimisation Wine. Winetricks is a benefactor script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries needed to run some applications in Wine. These may include replacements for components of Wine using unsympathetic source libraries. Winetricks comes with Wine installing on Ubuntu.

For starting winetricks, run this command:


There are many an options for helping you with various tasks.

Installing an Application with Winetricks

If you Install an app from winetricks, it wish be installed in a separate wineprefix. Let's set u VLC:

Winetricks - Install an app
Winetricks – Install an app
Winetricks - Install VLC
Winetricks – Instal VLC

Information technology will then start out to download the VLC installing files. And so point you through the take a breather of the process. It's pretty retarded.

Install Windows DLL or components and others

You can select a wineprefix from winetricks and install various libraries and components required by the application you want to rivulet and too perform other operations.

Winetricks Scripts
Winetricks Scripts
Winetricks Libraries & Components
Winetricks Libraries & Components

N.B.: If victimisation winetricks seems complicated to you, it's perfectly okay. I feel the synoptical way to a fault. I always use PlayOnLinux for this reason. PlayOnLinux can do everything you mightiness need to do from winetricks.

For more information you hind end balk Wine FAQ and Documentation.

I hope you find this exhaustive beginner's guide to exploitation Wine in Linux helpful. Now you can run Windows programs in Linux without installing a virtual machine surgery dual booting.

Let us have it away if you have any questions or opinion in the comment section below.

How to Run Windows Apps on Linux Mint


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